Another word for running nonestop
Another word for running nonestop

another word for running nonestop

“Just like most of you saw, much more consistent in the second half. On what you saw from the offensive line at Florida… It looks like an injury that will keep him out.” “We will do some more evaluations, but again, as I said after the game, it doesn’t look good. But, right now, we are preparing to play Youngstown State.” He will be back at the Ole Miss game, and we will be more than happy to welcome him back and have him go compete when he can. I realize y’all have a job to do and everybody wants to dig at it, but it is what it is. On what can you say about the Chris Rodriguez situation… He is willing to do scout teams, special teams, whatever he can do to stay in shape, get those movements down with the run game, and continue to take reps with the first- and second-team offense when he can in certain situations, so he is staying active and will be ready to go and we will continue to build with the running backs we have available.” Chris is wonderful because he wants to, he is competing on scout teams, he goes down there and gets his reps down there. So, we’ve been getting the other guys ready, continuing to progress, and also keep him in shape, get him reps when we can.

another word for running nonestop

“Well, we’ve been prepared to handle this situation for weeks now. Did they hit him in the head, did they hit him below the knees, the indicators that they’re looking for.” That’s that they’re talking about with an indicator, whether the crown or whether he launched and the area in which they hit him. “An indicator is exactly what they’re looking for, whether it was the crown of the helmet, whether it was a launch, so those are indicators, whether the player was defenseless or not. On defining the word “indicator” on the non-targeting call…

Another word for running nonestop